Thursday 6 June 2013

Take Your Kids for Magical Trip on Singapore Tours

Small children love to listen to fairy tales. With these fairy tales they can travel to unknown lands of magic, heroism and adventure. Children have a vivid creative imagination which helps them to create a world of their own. They live, spend time and create more creatures in this world. They rule their imaginative world of fairies and heroes. Especially small girls love this fairy land created out of the fairy tales. If you will ask a young girl, whether she would like to be a part of the fairy world, all of them will answer in positive. Girls love to wear a tiara and her favorite magical wings to be exactly like a fairy princess. How about giving them a chance to be a part of the real fairy world? It is made possible by the Singapore zoo and their wildlife park initiative- the night safari park.

This wildlife park is a theme based park where kids’ can enjoy a fairytale like experience at one place. They need not to travel to long distance or pay a huge sum of money, but just visit the Singapore zoo for enjoying the experience of the fairy tale. In the night safari wildlife park, all the animals exhibits are exhibited in their night life position, thus the masses can see how the animals in the jungle spend their night. There is a large number of animals like the predators who are active only during the night, thus in the nightlife safari park one can have a glimpse of their activities, how they live, how they find their pray and how the jungle appears during the night. The visitors will be taken around the night safari wildlife park on a guided tour so that they can see and learn about the animal kingdom during the night, which till now they have just seen on wildlife channels.

Moreover for kids it is a great place to visit in case they love the fairies and other fairy tale creatures. To add magical effects in the night safari park, the administration has used lights and effects which will enhance your experience. There are several fairies, gnomes and other magical creatures roaming here and there along with animals thus children can get a feel of being in a fairyland. It is certainly a great opportunity you can give to your little princess to enjoy sights of fairies. Apart from all this there are several shows as well for the entertainment of the visitors and for the young kids as well like the fire dance show. In this show all the visitors can enjoy the sight of heroic activities of the fire dancers dressed in attire of tribal soldiers. Come down to this magical place and enjoy the wildlife.

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